Art Lemon
➨ Feel Free to Contact Us: hello@art-lemon.comHi, we are Art Lemon digital agency. We deliver the unique and bright custom IT solutions in such areas as UI/UX, website development, eCommerce & SEO both providing completely transparent and qualified service and using the latest cutting-edge technologies.Our team consists of more than 60 people among which there are professional graphic web designers, certified developers, UI/UX experts, project managers. We have more than 80 awards and certificates from international design and marketing festivals and are proud of growing up rising talents in our own IT school — Lemon.School!We have our offices in the biggest cities of Ukraine - Kyiv and Kharkiv. Being in the market since 2012, we worked with Tesla, Toyota, Oxford Education Group, Heineken, Roshen, Kyivstar, Survalyzer and delivered more than 350 projects all over the world: USA, Canada, Australia, Western Europe, Japan, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden.Providing outsourcing services, we help to reduce 40-60% of IT costs and get a unique, modern and best-fit IT solution for your business.Let’s get in touch and do IT together!