Blu Flamingo
It was just the two of them to start and as with any business, they endured challenges too numerous and onerous to mention but with time found other young people to join their new family. They taught graphic designers, storytellers, leaders, and more to channel their hardships into their work and to never compromise on quality, this led to their expansion over 10 years, into 5 African countries in a company called Blu Flamingo.One day the sisters sat down to look at their journey and reflect on their values and this is what they found;They existed to make their and others' talent available at the highest point of impact for their community, team, and clients.This had been done through, but not limited to;Training over 20,000 young people together with Google for free on digital skillsMaking counselors and therapists available to their teams when they realized young people lately are increasingly suffering from depression and anxietyWorking hard to become a WSI-certified agency, enrolling in Stanford, and applying the concepts of co-creation and design thinking among others to continue to do better work for their clients, constantly challenging themselves to learn and growIn this way, the concepts they held dear of Benefit, leadership, and Utility (BLU) Flamingo shone through into the real world.