Circle Social Logo

Circle Social

Embrace, Engage, Enrich

Address: 9465 Counselors Row Ste 200, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240, United States

Circle Social created one-of-a-kind marketing solutions designed specifically for rehabs and mental health facilities. Whether you're a major center seeking for Facebook direct-response campaigns to get the phone to ring right away or a smaller center trying to establish a strong local presence, our techniques consistently provide results. We provide VOBs rather than simply empty calls or enquiries. We've run hundreds of addiction and behavioral health campaigns. We already know what works for our clientele, so we don't have to waste money on testing. We can get directly to work on producing results. With so much competition these days, you can't afford to deal with someone who doesn't understand rehab and mental health from the ground up. Circle Social have a triple bottom line - financial, social, and environmental - embedded into our legal DNA as a recognized Benefits Corporation in the state of Indiana. We were one of Indiana's earliest Benefits Corporations. We are held accountable to you by this corporate structure. It guarantees that our services are effective, sustainable, and socially conscientious.

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