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Think outside the nest;

Address: 204 Paseo de La Habana, Madrid, 28036, Spain

Our development and consulting studio was founded by three passionate computer engineers who share a love for software and hardware development.We relish the opportunity to tackle complex, secure, and scalable technological projects from inception to completion. In fact, we thrive on technical challenges!Although we are computer engineers, we're not your run-of-the-mill developers. While we're more than capable of developing websites and apps, our true passion lies in utilizing technology - both digital and physical - to bring great ideas to life and create value.We have the expertise and tools to tackle projects that involve cutting-edge technologies like machine learning or cloud computing. In fact, we revel in bringing hardware to life, including robots, embedded systems, and any other imaginative creations.We also enjoy developing video games, as we believe that one of the best uses of technology is to create experiences and entertain.

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