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Eye Wander Photo

Address: 7964 Goodwood Blvd. Ste A, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806, United States

We at Eye Wander believe in MAGIC. We capture it through everyday moments such as the play of children, during family gatherings, and in the celebration of weddings. It takes an experienced eye, with discernment at play, to define the beauty that exists in everyday experience. We take what you love most and make it a work of art. With 15 years experience behind the lens, Aaron Hogan, along with his talented team of photographers, editors and office staff, are passionate about capturing you and your world in the best light. Need more convincing?A photo that moves someone is the shutter that was snapped at precisely the right moment, in a flash of synchronicity that combines instinct with experience, and an eye for opportunity. Those crystalline moments are captured first not by looking, but by listening to what feeling our clients want to freeze forever. So first, we listen to the stories our clients reveal to us, and then we design that story in images.We look into the hearts of our clients as they talk about the events they want to commemorate in photos. Often, when they say, "We want a family portrait", they really are saying "I'm proud of my family, and want to share that with the world." We look to translate that pride into a well thought out setting, resulting in images that uniquely represent that client...beautifully lit images.

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