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Address: 380 Washington St. Suite 2-2, Brighton, Boston, Massachusetts 02135, United States

DukhonTax is a Boston-based firm – our office at 380 Washington St is located in historic Brighton center.  We love our city and we love serving the world from here.  Our clients are located as far away as Europe, Asia, and South America – yet we also do business with local main street shops and area entrepreneurs. Boston and the surrounding areas are a growing hub for educational and healthcare institutions and thriving technology and financial industries. Our city is at the forefront of construction, technology, healthcare, and academics. We serve individuals and companies in these industries.  Let us show you how our dedication to service can make a big difference for your finances.Our results-driven approach means that we do not simply check the boxes and roll forward information.  We staff our office with motivated critical thinkers who want to look deeper.  If you are paying us to make judgment calls – don’t you want us to use our judgment?  Change is where opportunity lies, make sure you are ready for the next one. If your accountant has you caught in the “Same as Last Year” cycle, how are they monitoring change? Choose an adviser that monitors legislative changes, the business environment, and develops their insight through exposure and experience, Year after year, it seems that not many things stay the same. At DukhonTax we are your resource for advice and planning for the forces that shape your financial life.

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