Fixer Turkey Logo

Fixer Turkey

Fixer in Turkey Productions

Address: kucukcekmece, Istanbul, 34000, Turkey

Filming Permit, Location services, Line producer & Pre-productionAs fixer in Diyarbakir / Turkey - Translations, we provide services as: Fixer in Turkey, Kurdish - Turkish- Arabic - English - Zaza - English translations, Line production, Location scouting & Management, Equipment &Crew, Pre-production services, Filming permit, Transfers, Freelance journalist, Line producers.We set up Interviews, translations, rental vehicles, Permit to visit refugee camps and advice good stories if you are in Turkey to report for News & Media. Filming Permit Since there is language barrier, it is challenging to apply / receive filming permit if you don't speak Turkish or do not have crew with Turkish citizenship. As we are experienced and arranged many filming permits for variety of filming projects We Offer you - Pre-production services for Documentary, News, Feature, Corporate, scientific filming & Photographing projects. Such as; Location scouting, Location management, providing official filming permit from National / Provincial authorities, equipment & crew, rental vehicles and accomodation.- We help Journalists planning to report news or interviews in Turkey and might need; Equipment & Crew, sources to interview, research, transfer, translator and accomodation regarding to their project;-Companies or businesses that planning to find location / land, office, connections, boats, yatches, transport or accomodation regarding to investment or holiday;- Arranging your transfer to or from airport;- Arranging Equipment & Location, office etc. for foreign organisations or oil companies;-Sorting out accomodation, transfer, media connections, Interviews for political, business, tourist visits;- Interviews for elections and other political issues;- Interviews with nonecamp Syrian refugees or Syrian refugees staying in camp and we sort out permit to visit camps;- Rental drone for your filming project;- Rental van;

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