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Freedom Fortress

Built to Safeguard Your Business

Address: 755 Prior Ave N, Suite 2A, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104, United States

NIST 800-171 encompasses a comprehensive framework that outlines the essential requirements for establishing robust information systems and policies to safeguard Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).In essence, NIST 800-171 serves as a set of stringent standards designed to ensure the protection and controlled dissemination of sensitive materials that are not classified. The framework was formulated in response to the enactment of the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) in 2003, which prompted the development of multiple security standards and guidelines.By adhering to the guidelines set forth by NIST 800-171, organizations can establish a robust and secure environment to handle CUI effectively. This includes implementing measures to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity and availability of CUI, as well as defining protocols for its secure distribution.NIST 800-171 plays a critical role in assisting organizations in mitigating risks associated with the unauthorized access, disclosure or alteration of sensitive information. Compliance with this framework not only demonstrates a commitment to protecting CUI, but also helps establish trust and credibility with stakeholders, partners and regulatory bodies.

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