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H. I. Thomas Group

Your brands unique problems require a custom research approach.

Address: PO Box 360456, Cleveland, Ohio 44136, United States

H.I. Thomas Group has led the market research field for more than 25 years and has collaborated with some of the most well-known and powerful businesses in both the B2B and B2C markets. We are a team of seasoned market research specialists who work to apply their knowledge to develop thorough qualitative market research plans that provide our clients with the customer insights they require to expand their businesses. We employ cutting-edge scientific techniques, such as ethnography, consumer behaviour research, biometric research, focus groups, IDIs (Individual Depth Interviews), consumer eye tracking, and more, to find practical marketing insights for our clients.A personalised research strategy is necessary for your brand's particular difficulties. Our in-house qualitative market research techniques are developed to give you insights into your target audience so you can make important strategic decisions. As seasoned market research professionals,

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