JFrog Logo


On a mission to create a world of software delivered without friction.

Address: 270 E Caribbean Dr., Sunnyvale, California 94089, United States

We set out on our Liquid Software journey in 2008, with the mission to transform the way enterprises manage and release software updates. The world expects software to update continuously, securely, non-intrusively and without user intervention. This hyper-connected experience can only be enabled by automation with an end-to-end DevOps platform and a binary-centric focus. With this in mind, weve developed the JFrog Platform, ushering in a new era of DevOps and DevSecOps standards that power continuous updates. More than a decade after our founding, with thousands of customers and millions of users globally, JFrog has become the Database of DevOps and the de-facto standard in release and update management.We Imagine a World Where Software is Liquid. At JFrog, we are making endless software versions a thing of the past, with liquid software that flows continuously and automatically from build all the way through to production.

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