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Address: 3401 N. Miami Ave. STE 230, Miami, Florida 33127, United States

LeadsInflux is a modern Digital Marketing Agency with a mission to deliver more customers to businesses of all sizes using established and proven digital marketing solutions.We have at our disposal some of the worlds most innovative digital platforms empowering us to plan and execute cost effective marketing strategies to achieve successful outcomes for our clients. We can deliver multi-channel solutions for businesses through our partnerships with best of breed solution providers such as;The 2016 Facebook Innovation Spotlight winner.NYSE listed company with integration with over 150 digital services worldwide.The power behind the worlds largest online-to-offline(OTO) solutions platform.A company integrated with 500 leading brands to provide reputation management services.The company who created an independent media marketplace that makes buying and placing local advertising as easy and affordable as possible.and many more companies offering cutting edge digital marketing solutions worldwide.Today consumers have easy access to information from a multitude of places on the internet. As a modern digital marketing agency our job is to ensure the marketing message from our client are placed in front of prospects just at the moment those prospects are searching for information on whatever platform or device they are using. Our goal is to grab a prospect's attention with enough interest to perform a desired action that will eventually lead to the prospects becoming customers of our client's businesses.Our strategic partnerships allow us to fulfil our ambitions to deliver more customers and help businesses grow and profit.Contact us today and learn how we can help your company get more clients

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