Oink Ink Audio Creative Logo

Oink Ink Audio Creative

Audio Creative & Production for Broadcast, Digital, Podcast

Address: Remote, New York City, New York 10036, United States

Oink Ink is an Audio Creative & Production Company that creates award-winning broadcast & digital audio ads and podcasts.Our clients are Ad Agencies, Media Entertainment Companies, and Brands Direct & their In-House Agencies. Oink Ink has done work for some of the largest national advertisers as well as local "Mom & Pops." But they all have one thing in common: They value the importance of supporting their media spend with great Audio Creative & Production.In this ever-changing world of audio advertising, you need people who get the medium, or more accurately, mediums. For over 25 years, Oink Ink has set the "creative bar" in the world of radio ads, so it's no surprise we're doing the same in the digital space as well.  And if it's industry awards you're into, suffice it to say we have more wins than the Harlem Globetrotters.

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