PINE Software Design Logo

PINE Software Design

NYC's finest web designers

Address: 137 88th street, New York City, New York 11209, United States

PINE Software Design is a leading UI/UX agency based in New York City. Our core expertise lies in a wide range of services, including web design, mobile app design and development and branding,Our comprehensive service offerings encompass intelligent programming, business analysis, UI/UX solutions and web development tailored specifically to meet your business needs.At PINE Software Design, we adhere to highly-controlled project management systems to ensure precision and efficiency. We prioritize quality throughout our projects, utilizing the latest technologies available. Our team operates under a top-to-bottom hierarchical structure with a participative management model, fostering effective collaboration. Additionally, we implement Key Performance Indicator (KPI) systems to further enhance your experience, ensuring a top-notch outcome.

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