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Raw Art Media

More than just a web design agency..We are your partners in crafting unique websites that stands out

Address: 1900 Rue Jane Jacobs, Montreal, h4m 0a8, Canada

Raw Art Media, a Quebec-based creative web design agency, is dedicated to constructing distinctive and visually stunning websites for brands looking to stand out from the competition. Its mission is to alleviate the impersonal element of AI-driven marketing by humanizing brands and fostering a strong emotional connection with their audiences.

Raw Art Media offers all-encompassing solutions to help businesses establish a robust online presence. Three fixed-price packages cater to various business needs, making the digital marketing journey simpler and more accessible.

The 'Web Starter - Lead Generation Package' is perfect for local service providers, freelancers and consultants. It includes a mobile-friendly website with up to eight pages, a lead generation form, one landing page, and year domain name & hosting, plus five monthly social media posts.

The ideal package for e-commerce and online stores, restaurants, cafes and bars is the 'Digital Essentials - E-commerce Package'. It includes a mobile-friendly website with up to twelve pages, bilingual website, one landing page, one-year domain name & hosting, ten monthly social media posts, plus basic e-commerce (online store) and Google Ads (optimized ad copy).

For resorts, chalets, travel

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