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Room 1707

Room 1707 is the award-winning branding house of Shanghai. 1707创意房间是品牌建设能量站,位于上海,放眼世界.

Address: 上海市长宁区愚园路1107号1号楼4楼创邑, Shanghai, CHINA, Shanghai, 200000, China

We develop projects to maximize business objectives focusing on the needs of your users and clients. Only in this way can we design brands and digital products and services to generate memorable experiences for users and profitable for our customers.我们拥有丰富的品牌建设、平面设计、网站及小程序开发、用户体验设计的经验,但我们更自豪的是我们团队对于市场的深度洞察力与市场分析能力。基于强大数据,我们旨在创造有共鸣、有个性、有深度的原创品牌。

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