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The Kool Source

We help our partners Get Visible, Get Found & Get Paid.

Address: 834 Inman Village Parkway Northeast STE 280, Atlanta, Georgia 30307, United States

The Kool Source is an Atlanta digital marketing firm with a big heart. Our goal is to help organizations improve their bottom line by utilizing the latest technology to meet their marketing objectives. We offer innovative solutions for almost any piece of internet marketing strategy PLUS we extend our recommendations beyond the internet, optimizing the connections between online marketing, offline marketing, and mobile marketing.Our team appreciates the uniqueness of each individual client. We also understand that keeping up with rapidly changing technology is generally not an option for a manager or owner consumed with their particular line of work. It is our job to sift through the myriad of options, providing concise, understandable, and timely advice in regards to your marketing and design solutions.With dedication and teamwork, The Kool Source provides quality services that are unique to our clientele and exceed their expectations. We strive to extend that relationship beyond the initial project and provide the tools necessary to keep you on the cutting edge of your industry.If you are searching for a true business partner, that is here to serve you today and stand by you tomorrow, your journey begins here with The Kool Source!

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