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The SEOptimist

Address: N/A, Winston Salem, North Carolina 27105, United States

The SEOptimist project began as a vision I had a ways back about the way we market on the web. I’d been in the digital marketing and SEO arena for many years, and have worked both in agencies and on my own since 2007.Each time I worked at an agency it shaped my skills when I returned to freelance, but in some cases it also showed me exactly what is wrong with its status quo. There are good reasons some people have a negative impression of SEO and web marketing itself, and a lot of that has to do with agencies taking on more clients than they properly manage. My own directive when forming my business was to take on only what I can do work that I'm proud of with, price accordingly, and build upon long term relationships with clients. I am not churn and burn.Where it makes sense to help business owners with short term projects I do, but I've also had clients that have worked with me for years with no long term commitments.

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