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The Tech Group

Address: 21 Gregory Drive, Suite 120, Burlington, Vermont 05403, United States

Tech Groups Managed Services include system monitoring, patch management, anti-virus/spyware management, backup management and auditing, server and desktop support, network management, monthly executive summaries, and a comprehensive bi-annual report. IT Professional Services takes care of your Information Technology for your technical support, software updates; patch management, vulnerability management, virus/spyware/spam protection, data backup/disaster preparation/business continuity, network administration, hardware maintenance, and more.Tech Groups Full Network Assessment gives you a clear understanding of your current IT network infrastructure. If your organization is looking to upgrade or expand your network, the first step is to understand the capabilities and shortcomings of your existing network. Our Network Assessments do just that by including an on-site senior network engineer evaluation, backup & security assessment, as well as recommendations/roadmap for future upgrades.Tech Group is dedicated to setting new and higher standards of community and customer service, motivated by pride in our work and a hands-on friendly approach. Tech Groups Network Assessment and Managed Services team have over 100 years of combined professional IT experience. The diversity of their backgrounds, training, and education, as well as practical and applied learning, allows Tech Group to support clients' wide range of demands, projects, and networks.

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