Twentyninetimes (29x)
We operate at the intersection of digital creativity, conceptual thinking, and measurable bottom-line results. Our ambitions are high, our expertise is top-notch, our tone is down-to-earth, and our feet are firmly grounded.At 29x, we highly value greater freedom, closer customer relationships, and more independence.Behind the name is a set of values and a shared belief that a strong sense of togetherness, where everyone knows each other, and where spirit and job satisfaction thrive, delivers the best results for those we are here for: our clients.We have decided that we will not have more than 29 employees.For us, it is essential that we can provide solid and wholehearted advice and quality solutions, but also that our clients at 29x have fixed relationships with those who perform the task. We believe this provides the best customer experience.In fact, we often think of our clients before they think of us