VidOps Logo


The Future of Video Marketing

Address: Westbourne Studios, 242 Acklam Rd, London, W10 5JJA, United Kingdom

If you look for a creative anywhere in the world, where would you look for it?At VidOps, we believe that the video production process is ready for smart technology. Instead of reinventing the wheel every time you want to create videos for your business, finding new creatives, struggling over scripts or storyboards, sourcing editors –  we have created a streamlined workflow to guide our customers through the process. From supporting you in your decision making working in our collaborative Workspace with local or global creatives, and viewing edited content uploaded by our editors directly to your account with our internal approval service – we’re on a mission to streamline the video marketing workflow whilst maintaining quality.  Video is everywhere. Our mission is to simplify creating visual content for all areas of a business on a global scale.The idea behind VidOps is to connect creatives around the world with your businesses needs. We've high hopes for the market. The numbers for the E&M industry show great expectations in the next years, according to research from PWC the revenue for E&M will reach £80.5m in 2023. Adding this to the arrival of new technology such as 5G broadband, demand for video is undoubtedly going to continue its upward trend.

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