Widarto Impact Logo

Widarto Impact

Make brand alive.

Address: Jl Sememi Jaya Selatan 1 No 2, Sememi - Benowo, Surabaya, 60198, Indonesia

We are WIDARTO.We are an Indonesian independent brand consulting & packaging design company.We believe in our client’s success, our success will follow. That’s the point. That’s why we always do our best for them.WE KNOW THE PEOPLE BUYING DECISIONS WELLWe know how consumers make buying decisions. When they are at the store, see what they are looking for on the shelves and others.We have the theory of a work of how a product can win the competition in the market. How a packaging appearance can change consumers’ buying decisions when they are in the store. We prove it when we help our startup’s client become big manufacture right now.We are committed to emphasizing design as a powerful selling tool. We pursue extraordinary to make the brand stand out in the market.

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