Wired Island PR Logo

Wired Island PR

Address: 997 Morrison Drive, Suite 200, Charleston, South Carolina 29403, United States

We’ve cut our teeth working with B2B tech companies – large and small – for more than 25 years. Our clients are based in Silicon Valley, the tech centers of Europe and Israel to the far reaches of Asia. They all share a common goal – to reach technically-savvy audiences. We work with engineers, PhD’s, young entrepreneurs as well as seasoned CEOs to develop compelling messages to tell their intricate stories and resonate with key audiences. We know tech PR and marketing because we’ve lived it from the trenches on up.Built on a long track record of success in traditional PR and earned media (with the Rolodexes to prove it), we have integrated additional and relevant skills and services to ensure our clients’ messages stand out in today’s dynamic and noisy environment. With content as a foundation, we apply best practices in digital marketing, SEO/SEM, digital design and lead generation to provide fully integrated communications programs that support our clients’ business goals.

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