3 Effective Retargeting Strategies That Actually Work

June 07, 2022

3 Effective Retargeting Strategies That Actually Work
  1. Social Media Retargeting: Leverage your existing customers’ social media data to reach others who have similar interests and demographics. For example, Facebook’s Custom Audiences tool allows you to upload a list of emails or phone numbers of customers to create a custom audience, which you can then target with ads.

  2. Search Retargeting: Search retargeting tracks website visitors based on their search activities, allowing you to target them with ads for related products or services. For example, if a user searches “running shoes” on your site, you could retarget them with ads for running shoes or related accessories.

  3. Ad Network Retargeting: With ad network retargeting, ads are served to consumers who previously visited your site or interacted with your brand in some way. For example, you could retarget users who abandoned their shopping cart with a coupon code or special offer in order to encourage them to come back and complete their purchase.

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