30 Lessons After 30 Million SEO Visitors
With 30 million SEO visitors behind us, we at OnlineBizX have learned a few key lessons that have taken us far. Here’s what we’ve learned along the way.
Relevancy is King – Your content must answer the question that your customers are asking. Word of mouth and search engines both rely on relevancy.
Quality Beats Quantity - Quality content is rewarded with higher rankings, so make sure your content is well-written and informative.
Content Structure Matters - A well-structured content can make a huge difference in ranking, so pay attention to the format, heading hierarchy, and how the content displays visually.
Innovation Counts - Keep yourself fresh and ahead of your competition by staying up-to-date with the latest updates, trends, and advancements in your industry.
Mobile in Mind - Make sure your website is optimized for mobile user experience since more and more people are accessing the internet from their phones or tablets.
Make Social Work – Social media can be hugely beneficial for SEO with the right approach. Get creative with how you promote your content on different social platforms.
Think Beyond Keywords - Keywords still matter, but don’t limit yourself to that alone. Pay attention to structuring content around concepts and topics to improve SEO.
Check Your Metadata - Page titles, descriptions and headings are still key elements that search engines are interested in. Make sure they are optimized for SEO.
Link Building: Links are still a primary factor for SEO, so don’t forget to build relationships with other websites, partners and influencers in your niche.
Measure, Analyze and Adjust - SEO is an ever-changing game, so continually measure and adjust your strategy accordingly to see the best results.
These are just a few of the lessons we’ve learned, and there’s so much more that comes with controlling 30 million SEO visitors. However, by sticking to the basics and understanding each new technology as it arrives, success can be seen by anyone with the right strategy in place. Have you learned any lessons from your own experience? Let us know in the comments!