5 WordPress Developer Myths You Need To Know

March 17, 2022

5 WordPress Developer Myths You Need To Know

  1. WordPress Developers Don't Need To Know Programming: False. Even though WordPress is user-friendly and doesn't require you to write any code, programming knowledge is essential to make sure you create a secure site, carry out customizations, troubleshoot any errors and create a site that works efficiently.
  2. As Long As You Install A Theme, You Don't Need Any Code: False. Installing a WordPress theme is only the first step of setting up your website. It's important to understand coding fundamentals in order to install plugins, customize the theme, and create custom code for widgets, sidebar and footer elements, and more.
  3. You Can't Create Custom Websites: False. WordPress developers can go beyond the limitations of themes to create highly customized websites. Expert developers are able to use their programming and design skills to create unique designs and functionalities for any online project.
  4. WordPress Security Is Easy To Maintain: False. WordPress security is a sensitive issue and proper measures need to be taken to ensure that your site is safe from malicious hackers. WordPress developers should know the basics of security and how to keep up to date with the latest security updates.
  5. WordPress Sites Lack Functionality: False. WordPress developers can integrate advanced functionalities into your website using plugins and custom code. Adding features like membership areas, ecommerce features, and forms are all achievable with code.

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