8 Need-to-Know E-Commerce Image Optimization Hacks

July 26, 2022

As the competition in the e-commerce industry keeps growing, it is essential for merchant companies to focus on image optimization to increase returns on their investments. Image optimization helps in improving user experience and conversions to grab the attention of customers and build trust. In this article, we’ll be talking about 8 need-to-know e-commerce image optimization hacks that can help your business stand out from the competition.

  1. Compress Your Images: Compressing images can greatly reduce the file sizes without affecting the image quality. By reducing the image size, your pages will load faster, which will give potential customers a better user experience. This leads to fewer abandonments and increases your conversion rate. Image compression tools such as ImageOptim, ImageMagick and Compressor.io can help you reduce the size without affecting the quality of images.

  2. Strive for Consistent Imagery: Customers are attracted to consistent visual imagery as it creates a professional look and feel. Make sure to use the same type of visuals across all products, stick to a certain color palette with consistent shades and sizes, and use visual elements similar to each other. This will create a sense of consistency and make the website look organized and coherent.

  3. Prioritize Mobile-Friendly Images: Research suggests that mobile-friendly websites have higher conversion rates. This makes it essential to ensure that your images are optimized for mobile devices. Since mobile devices have smaller screen sizes, it is best to ensure that your product images are optimized to fit with the screen size. This helps in creating a good user experience and leads to higher conversions.

  4. Use Alt Text for SEO: Alt text or alternative text is the textual description of an image that helps search engines understand what’s in the images and rank them accordingly. Including the keyword for the product in the alt text can help the search engines index your images and the associated product pages.

  5. Include Multiple Views: Customers often want to get an idea of how the product looks like from all angles. Hence, it is essential to include multiple views with detailed description of the product. This gives your customers a better understanding of the product, improves the user experience and ultimately leads to higher conversions.

  6. Utilize High-Definition Images: High definition images give potential customers a better understanding of the color, texture, and quality of the product. Moreover, it trains customers to look for better quality products, which ultimately leads to purchase of better quality products. Make sure to use high-definition images that are clear and crisp.

  7. Crop to Enhance the Image: Cropping is a great way to highlight important elements in the product image. It helps to make the image the focus of attention and allows potential customers to get a better understanding of the product. Make sure to not crop out important details in the image or crop too much of the image.

  8. Include Retouching Services: Retouching is essential to make product images look professional. Especially, with electronic goods, one needs to retouch the images to make them look attractive. Services like Photoshop are great for retouching pictures to make them look accurate and eye-catching.

Image optimization is essential for gaining success in the e-commerce industry and with the help of these 8 need-to-know e-commerce image optimization hacks, your business can stand out from the competition. By implementing these hacks, companies can maximize their investments and gain more conversions.

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