9 Evergreen Link Building Tactics that Will Never Go Out of Style

May 11, 2022

Link building has been an essential part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for years. As search engine algorithms evolve and techniques become more advanced, marketers and webmasters must continue to use the most current strategies to attract organic links and traffic to their websites. While the tactics change continuously, there are some essential link building techniques that remain evergreen and reliable. Here are 9 of the most effective evergreen link building tactics you can use to increase website traffic and search engine rankings.

  1. Publish Quality, Relevant Content – One of the most important ways to demonstrate your website’s worth to search engine bots and human readers is to publish content that’s relevant, informative and well-written. People are more likely to link to your website or share your article if it provides value and is of high-quality.

  2. Optimize Content for SEO – Before you begin reaching out to webmasters and influencers, you should ensure that your content is SEO friendly. This includes optimizing headlines, meta descriptions, keywords, alt text and other content elements.

  3. Build Relationships with Influencers – Connect with influencers in your industry who can share your content with their audiences. Building relationships with leading experts can result in valuable links, as well as increased traffic to your site.

  4. Write Guest Posts and Invite Others to Publish on Your Site – Invite authoritative industry experts to write guest posts for your website, and likewise, consider submitting guest posts to other websites in your field. This is a great way to increase exposure and increase your backlinks.

  5. Leverage .edu and .gov Domains – Higher-education and government websites typically have a high domain authority, making them a great target for link building. Look for .edu and .gov websites that relate to your industry or topic and reach out for guest post or link opportunities.

  6. Utilize Social Media – Leverage social media to increase engagement, traffic and links. Encourage people to share your content and build relationships with influencers who might share it with their followers.

  7. Take Advantage of Local SEO – Compared to national-level competitors, smaller businesses can often rank at the top of search results when they take advantage of local SEO. Get your website listed in local directories and reach out to local reporters and blogs to generate links.

  8. Participate in Forums and Communities – Participate in industry conversations, helping to solve problems and creating relationships with customers, forum hosts and other participants. If they’re interested, those people can link to your website from the discussion thread.

  9. Optimize Your Site Internally – It’s important to ensure that your website is optimized for internal links too. Link related content together, use descriptive links and link strategically for the best results.

By utilizing these 9 evergreen link building tactics, you can increase your organic traffic and improve your search engine ranking. Be sure to review your link building activities constantly and monitor the performance of your SEO campaigns for continued success.

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