9 Things You Didn’t Know About The World’s Top Websites in Search Traffic

July 15, 2022

The internet is perpetually changing, and the world’s top websites in search traffic are no exception. If you’re curious about the current state of the internet, here are nine things you didn’t know about the world’s top websites in search traffic, including their overall rankings, what the websites are known for, and the countries where the websites get most of their traffic from.

  1. Google dominates search traffic. Not surprisingly, Google is the world’s most-trafficked website, followed by YouTube. Google holds 90% of the search market share, and about 5.5 billion users visit Google each month for information, entertainment, and more.

  2. Wikipedia is the 5th most popular website. Despite its lack of flashy features, Wikipedia is a top-five website for search traffic, thanks to its wealth of information, easily accessible content and constantly updated features.

  3. Amazon is the third most popular website. Amazon is the go-to website for shopping, but it has also become the third most trafficked website in the world. That’s partially thanks to its highly successful Prime memberships, which provide discounts and expedited shipping, as well as its incredible selection and wide variety of products.

  4. Social media giants are some of the most trafficked sites. Home to billions of users, social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram remain popular, ranking within the top 10 most-trafficked websites in the world.

  5. Most of the search traffic is coming from the US and India. The United States and India account for more than half of the search traffic for the world’s top websites. However, other countries like China, Japan, and South Korea also make large contributions to the total search traffic.

  6. Bing is still a major search engine. Bing, owned by Microsoft but powered by Yahoo!, is the second most used search engine in the world — even if it isn’t the most popular. In fact, an estimated 5% of searches are conducted through Bing.

  7. Apple is the 8th most popular website. Despite its lack of interactive features, Apple stands at 8th on the rankings of trafficked websites, thanks to its expansive product selection, strong customer base and tech-savviness.

  8. Pinterest is often forgotten. While Pinterest doesn’t quite rank in the top 10 most-visited websites in the world, it’s still one of the most popular sites on the internet. Every month, more than 300 million users tap into the site’s expansive collection of visuals.

  9. tumblr remains popular. One of the oldest sites on the web, Tumblr has become a favorite for anyone seeking a creative outlet. With its wide-open platform, ease of use, and creative layout, Tumblr remains a popular website to many — even if it’s not as widely known or understood.

Though the internet can feel ever-changing, the world’s top websites in search traffic remain a few constant names. Whether you’re a social media fan, a tech enthusiast, or just someone seeking information, the above websites have something for everyone.

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