Adding A Confirm Email Field To The Bigcommerce Contact Form

August 13, 2022

As any experienced web developer knows, having a contact form on your site is vital in order to engage and interact with your customers. However, it's not always enough to simply have a single field where customers enter their email addresses. That's why having a confirm email field added to your Bigcommerce contact form can be a great way to ensure that customers are providing you with the correct email address.

When a customer enters their email address in one field, and then again in a confirm email field, it can help prevent errors from entering incorrect addresses. This can be particularly useful in ensuring that customers are able to receive important notifications from your store (such as order confirmation emails, for example). Additionally, this also reduces the chances of customers entering bogus email addresses, as they'll need to enter the same address in two separate fields. This can help reduce the amount of spam and other malicious activity on your site.

The process of adding a confirm email field to your Bigcommerce contact form is relatively simple. First, log in to your Bigcommerce store and navigate to the contact form. Once there, click the “Edit” button to open up the form in the Editor mode. Here you’ll be able to add the confirm email field to the form. To do this, click the “Add Field” button and select the “Confirm Email” field. You’ll then be able to make some adjustments to the field label and options, including whether you’d like the field to be mandatory or optional. Once you’re happy with the settings, click “Save and Close” to save the changes.

That’s all there is to it. Adding a confirm email field to the Bigcommerce contact form can be an extremely useful way to improve the accuracy of your customers’ email address entries, as well as reducing spam and other malicious activity. With just a few simple steps, you can add this important field to your contact form and make sure that your customers are always able to receive the important notifications, updates and other messages that are sent to them.

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