Block Editor Explore New Wordpress Accessibility Features

April 04, 2023

The Block Editor has recently made many changes to provide more accessibility features to WordPress users. In this article, we’ll explore some of the new and improved accessibility features that WordPress’s Block Editor has, and how they can help improve the overall user experience.

One of the most important accessibility features of the Block Editor is the improved keyboard navigation. Previously, users had to use the mouse to navigate the web page, making it difficult and slow to get around. But now, the Block Editor has made it easy to navigate the web page with keyboard shortcuts such as Tab and Arrow Keys. This improved accessibility helps WordPress users of all abilities to better find the information they need on a web page.

In addition to the improved keyboard navigation, the Block Editor also includes a color contrast checker. This tool allows users to ensure that their websites are compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The color contrast checker ensures that the website’s text, images, and other elements are all easily distinguishable for individuals who may have difficulty with their vision. This feature is invaluable for making sure that all web users can have an equally engaging experience.

Lastly, the Block Editor has improved alt-text support. Alt-text is an important accessibility feature, as it gives people with disabilities a description of the image on the screen. The Block Editor now allows users to easily add alt-text to each image, making them more accessible. This helps individuals with different lingual needs, as well as those with visual impairments, to better understand the images used on the web page.

Overall, WordPress’s Block Editor has improved greatly in terms of accessibility features. With the keyboard navigation, color contrast checker, and improved alt-text support, the Block Editor is now much more accessible to everyone, no matter their abilities. This new level of accessibility can help ensure that everyone can have a great experience while using the WordPress website.

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