Check These 8 SEO Boxes Before Launching A New Site

September 01, 2022

For any business looking to launch a new website, it is essential to ensure their digital presence is successful and easily found by potential customers. To ensure your website’s success, you must make sure to tick off all the necessary SEO boxes before launching a new site. Here are 8 SEO boxes every business should check off:

  1. Ensure You Have Mobile-Friendly Content: With so many people accessing the internet through their phones, it’s imperative to have mobile-friendly content. Make sure the website you’re launching is compatible with all different types of devices.

  2. Pay Attention to Page Speed: How fast your pages load plays a big role in user experience and in turn your search engine rankings. Google rewards sites with a faster loading speed with higher rankings.

  3. Be Aware of the Quality and Relevance of the Content: You must pay attention to the quality and relevancy of all content that’s posted on your website. Make sure all the text is of high quality and relevant keywords in relation to the topic of your website are used.

  4. Analyze Your Internal Site Linking Structure: When your website is being built, be sure to analyze the internal site linking setup. This will play a huge role in SEO as it tells search engine crawlers how to best navigate your website.

  5. Don’t Forget About Images: While images often take second seat to text when discussing SEO, they are incredibly important. Don’t leave out optimized images with descriptions and titles that use relevant keywords.

  6. Optimize Your URLs: Keep your URL structure as simple as possible. This will make it easier for both users and search engine crawlers to make sense of your website.

  7. Update Your Site Regularly: It’s a good practice to update your website regularly with fresh and new content. This will keep your rankings high because search engine crawlers will detect fresh content.

  8. Consider Adding Social Media Buttons: Adding social media buttons to your website will make it easier for users to share the content and thus increase engagement with customers.

By checking all the above SEO boxes, you can ensure that your website will be successful in the search engines and be enjoyed by potential customers. The technical aspects of SEO can be intimidating but with the help of a knowledgeable digital strategist, you can make sure your website is set up from the ground up for success.

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