Examples of E-commerce SEO Done Right (and Mistakes To Avoid)

March 11, 2023

Examples of E-commerce SEO Done Right (and Mistakes To Avoid)

Examples of E-commerce SEO Done Right:

  1. Optimizing title tags and meta descriptions with relevant keywords – Title tags and meta descriptions are bits of information that appear in search engine results. By including keywords that people are searching for, stores can help their pages appear in those results.
  2. Implementing structured data – Structured data helps search engines understand how the pages on a website are connected and what type of content is being presented. By using structured data, it’s possible to make site content more visible in results pages, allowing visitors to quickly find the information they’re looking for.
  3. Improving page speed – Slow page loading speeds can be very off-putting for customers and can cause them to abandon a website. By optimizing the site’s code and compressing images, it’s possible to boost page speed and make the site more engaging for visitors.

Mistakes To Avoid:

  1. Not doing keyword research – If a website doesn’t employ any keyword research strategies, it’s impossible to target the right terms and phrases that people are searching for. Without this insight, it’s difficult to be successful with SEO.
  2. Not having a website structure – With a well-structured website, it’s easy for search engines to identify the most important pages on the site and show them in the results. If links are arranged in a confusing way, search engines may not be able to accurately crawl the URLs and list the relevant pages.
  3. Not optimizing images – Optimizing images can help with page speed and search engine optimization. By resizing and compressing images, and including relevant alt tags and descriptions, it’s possible to make the page easier for search engines to understand.

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