Five Things You Can Learn From A Professional Website Audit

July 18, 2022

With the increasing prevalence of website design and digital marketing, understanding the importance of a professional website audit can give you access to invaluable knowledge about your own website design and digital marketing efforts. Here are five key points you can learn from a professional website audit to better understand your website performance and strategy.

  1. Site Structure and Navigation: A professional website audit will reveal your current site structure and the navigation paths of users on your website. This information can be extremely valuable for understanding engagement and which pages drive conversions. It will also provide insight into where there are potential issues for users navigating your website, such as dead links and slow loading pages, which can be addressed and improved accordingly.

  2. SEO Performance: A website audit can provide countless insights into how well your website is optimized for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes. This includes discovery of metadata, outgoing and broken links, canonical tags, and other areas of content such as titles and meta descriptions. With this information, you can make necessary changes to increase organic search visibility and web traffic.

  3. Site Usability: User experience is a must-have element for any website and a professional website audit can provide a wealth of insights into a website’s usability. This may include consultations of user testing, form usability, call-to-actions, and user-journeys. Online testing tools, such as Google Ads, can also be used to review user flows and navigation paths.

  4. Analyzing Competitors: Through website audits, you can also gain valuable insights into the performance of your competitors. This is useful for understanding current market trends and the targeted keywords and phrases for which your competitors are performing well for. With this know-how, you can audit your website and amend it to compete more effectively against your competitors.

  5. Understanding Website Conversion: Another key aspect that a website audit can reveal is the rate at which website visitors convert into customers or leads. If a website audit reveals that your website is not performing as well as it could be, you may be able to amend the website to improve performance and boost conversion. Insights into user journeys and optimization can give you a better understanding of what changes need to be made to optimize conversion rates.

Understanding the importance of undergoing a website audit is essential for any website owner who wants to maximize their website performance and gain insights into current market trends and new opportunities for traffic generation. With the five key points outlined above, you can gain a valuable understanding of what a website audit can provide and how to make the most of the information gathered.

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