Googles Ads Exact Match Update

May 05, 2022

Google's Ads Exact Match update promises to revolutionize the way online marketers approach PPC ad targeting. Exact match has traditionally been used as a targeting mode for Google Ads, and the update further builds on this important strategy. With exact match, marketers can now ensure that their ads appear only when a user's search query exactly matches a chosen keyword.

The new update brings a wealth of new abilities to AdWords. For instance, marketers no longer have to worry about their ads appearing for search terms related to the exact match keyword that they set up - any search terms that are overly broad will now be disqualified. This prevents ads from appearing to users who were not likely to interact with them and improves the ad placement rate.

Exact match also yields more efficient campaigns since ads will only be served to users who are seeking out specific key terms. Marketers can be sure that the users who are served their ads are truly interested in what they are offering, making it much easier to acquire leads and conversions.

Google also recognizes the importance of organic search in today's marketing landscape and has taken steps to ensure that organic searches perform well at the same time as PPC campaigns. Not only does this alert marketers when their keywords are no longer considered exact enough for use in an exact match campaign, but it also ensures that their organic content will still have an impact.

Overall, Google's Ads Exact Match update promises to take marketing efforts to the next level, providing marketers with a significant competitive edge. With precise targeting and the assistance of AI, marketers can now ensure that their ads are served to those who are genuinely interested in the products and services that they have to offer. No longer do long-tail keywords need to be considered - accurate targeting with exact match is the way forward.

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