Growth hacking: 8 ideas for eCommerce you probably never knew about

February 26, 2023

Growth hacking: 8 ideas for eCommerce you probably never knew about

  1. Provide customers with personalized product suggestions based on previous purchases by using AI-based algorithms.

  2. Utilize customers’ data on their web browsing behavior to push more personalized, targeted product ads and recommendations.

  3. Invest in conversational commerce to leverage the power of artificial intelligence, allowing customers to ask product-related questions and receive tailored responses.

  4. Use social media platforms and retargeting marketing techniques to showcase the right products to the right customers at the right time.

  5. Offer exclusive discounts for social media followers and website visitors.

  6. Utilize automation to streamline customer service tasks, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of the business.

  7. Improve the customer’s shopping experience by implementing user-friendly design elements such as fast loading pages, quick searches, and easy-to-use shopping carts.

  8. Test different prices and promotional offers to determine which ones generate the most product sales and revenues.

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