How Google’s New Layout Predicts the Future of SEO

March 22, 2023

Google’s new layout, dubbed “mobile-first indexing”, is aiming to increase its relevance for all users in the digital age. In other words, the world’s largest search engine is making sure that its results show up in the best possible way regardless of device or platform. With this process, search engine optimizers (SEOs) now have to pay even closer attention to their efforts with even more emphasis placed on understanding how mobile-first indexing works.

SEO is all about being aware of the trends in the industry and using them to help rank your webpage higher in search results. This means making observances to Google’s updates, and how they are affecting your efforts and ranking. As much as Google’s mobile-first indexing will affect searches and content relevance on phones, it also changes the way a website is seen by search engines on desktops and tablets.

So, why is Google focusing on mobile-first indexing?

Primarily due to the massive shift in internet traffic towards mobile devices. More than 60% of web searches occur on phones and it is estimated that by 2020, mobile users will make up over 70% of traffic. Google is aiming to keep up with this shift and position itself as the most relevant and useful source for web searches.

In response to this evolution, SEOs should prioritize their websites for mobile devices. A mobile-first indexing strategy means that all aspects of search engine optimization need to be taken into consideration when creating a website, from keyword placement to loading speed.

Additionally, as more and more internet traffic moves from desktop to phones, the importance of local SEO will increase. Local SEO ensures that a website appears in the results for queries made near its location. For example, if a New York-based search for “cafes near me” is done, websites around the area should come up first.

Ultimately, Google’s mobile-first indexing strategy predicts that content relevancy, local SEO, and other optimization strategies will become more important than ever. As the search engine continues to prioritize mobile devices, SEOs should be knowledgeable and aware of how to capitalize on the opportunities available. Successful SEO campaigns will understand how to increase a website’s visibility in both desktop and mobile searches while keeping content as keyword-relevant as possible.

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