How I Built 23,540 Unique Links to a website

August 21, 2022

Getting quality links to your website is an essential part of SEO success. Link building can be time consuming and resource-intensive, as it involves doing a lot of research and reaching out to many webmasters to make sure your link appears in the right places.

I recently put in the hard work to build 23,540 unique links to a website using a variety of methods. Here, I will show you the different tactics I used them to get great results.

First, I looked into guest blogging, which involves writing content for other websites that links back to yours. I identified some leading industry-specific blogs with decent domain authority and contacted them with opportunities for me to write articles for them. It was a lengthy process of creating a list of prospects, crafting proposal emails, and waiting for replies but it was worth it. Some of those articles were noticed and I was able to secure several dozen highly relevant links.

Next, I started link building through web directories. Link directories are a great way to build links from an authoritative sources. I used some free web directory services that I found online to get some basic link juice.

I also carried out blog commenting. This involves finding blogs in relevant topics to your content and leaving intelligent comments that thoughtfully link back to your site. This was great for getting do-follow links and was a great way to discover new blogs in the space.

Finally, I optimized my content. This can be a powerful tool and really helps to maximize the number of clicks to your website. I identified content that was performing well in terms of ranking, traffic and other key metrics, and analyzed them to determine the best opportunities to boost performance. Making sure internal and external links were used optimally was particularly important.

The techniques I outlined here were responsible for my being able to build 23,540 unique links to the website. If you are thinking about link building for your own website, I would highly recommend that you conduct similar research and testing. Link building, when done strategically and efficiently, can be a hugely effective and profitable SEO tactic.

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