How to Optimize For Baidu in the U.S.

May 26, 2022

Baidu, the largest search engine in China and fourth globally, has quickly become an important player in the US digital landscape. With an increasing number of Chinese companies launching operations in the US, and Chinese expats visiting or emigrating to the country, learning how to optimize for Baidu is important. With different rules and regulations than those governing Google and other search engines, proper optimization is key to reaching your target market.

  1. Host Website in China

One of the most important aspects of optimizing for Baidu is having your website hosted in China. With an increasing number of US companies wanting to reach the Chinese market, having a website hosted in China will help to ensure Baidu can easily crawl and index your website's content. It also shows customers that you are committed to reaching a Chinese audience by showing your dedication to the Chinese market even if your physical operations remain based in the US.

  1. Utilize Chinese Domain Name System

The Chinese Domain Name System (DNS) is an important part of the internet infrastructure of China and it is essential to use this system when optimizing your website for Baidu. This is because Baidu may not recognize URLs registered with foreign DNS as belonging to China and there is a possibility of having your website being labeled as spam or blocked.

  1. Optimize Your Web Pages

Once you have your website hosted in China and have a domain registered with the Chinese DNS, you need to optimize your individual webpages. This means using effective SEO techniques, using Baidu-specific tags and creating webpages with the right amount of content that Baidu prefers. You must also be conscious of keywords, as Baidu considers them when evaluating pages.

  1. Submit Your Site to Baidu

In order for Baidu to quickly and efficiently crawl your website, you must submit it to their search engine and link directories. This can be done by registering your website in the Baidu Webmaster Tools and linking from your website to other websites that are popular and visited by many, making sure to include Chinese resources as well.

Optimizing for Baidu, especially in the US, can be a daunting task that requires technical proficiency and knowledge about Baidu’s algorithms for best results. However, with careful planning, the right infrastructure and effective optimization, you can effectively reach the growing Chinese audience in the US.

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