How to optimize your website for featured snippets

June 14, 2022

  1. Follow SEO best practices such as creating content with a focus on addressing user questions, using short and descriptive titles, developing well-structured content, and optimizing page speed.

  2. Research the types of queries that lead to featured snippets. You can do this by entering a keyword phrase into Google, observing the results, and noting the type of content that appears in a featured snippet.

  3. Structure content in an easily scannable format by using bulleted lists, tables, headings, and other elements.

  4. Make sure your content meets the length requirements for the featured snippet. Aim for about 55 words for paragraphs and 30-40 words for lists.

  5. Use keywords and key phrases relevant to the query in the content.

  6. Include the target keywords in the title and headings.

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