How to Properly Write Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter Alt Text

February 25, 2023

Are you looking for advice on how to properly write alt text for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter? If so, you have come to the right place! In this article, we’ll be discussing the importance of alt text, various tips for writing effective alt text for these three platforms, and more.

What is Alt Text?

Alt text is alternate text used to describe an image or a video. It is meant to provide additional information to people who cannot visualize the image (for whatever reason). In some cases, the description may also help people who can visualize the image understand it better. Alt text is also very important for web accessibility, since it allows people with visual impairments to understand the content better.

Why Is Alt Text Important?

Alt text is an essential part of any post on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. It helps the post appear better in search results, as search engines can’t ‘see’ an image. Alt text will also make your posts come to life for those who can’t see the post, as it provides access to information that may otherwise be inaccessible. Finally, it also helps ensure your post is more accessible for all of your followers.

Tips for Writing Effective Alt Text

When writing alt text for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, it’s important to keep certain guidelines in mind.

  1. Keep alt text concise and to the point. Each platform has a character limit for the alt text, so don’t use more words than necessary.

  2. Don’t use keywords for the sole purpose of SEO optimization. Instead, try to make sure that whatever words you use in your alt text relate to the image itself.

  3. Make sure to include relevant information, such as the names of people or places featured in the image.

  4. Always proofread your alt text to make sure there are no typos or mistakes.

  5. Take advantage of features such as hashtags and @ mentions. These can be great ways to make sure that your alt text is descriptive and relevant.

  6. Where possible, use the alt text to tell a story or explain what’s happening in the image.


Taking the time to properly write alt text for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter can go a long way towards making your post more accessible and search engine friendly. By following the tips mentioned above, you can be sure that your alt text is optimized for the platforms, and that your followers will be able to understand and appreciate your post even more.

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