How to Recover Your Lost SEO Traffic

May 12, 2022

Have you recently noticed a drop in your SEO traffic? If so, you’re not alone. Many eCommerce businesses experience sudden drops in SEO traffic due to changes to their website or Google’s algorithm. It can be a daunting task to analyze the cause and find a resolution, but it’s an essential step to recover your lost SEO traffic.

Here’s how to identify the root cause of the drop in traffic and take the necessary steps to recover your lost SEO traffic.

  1. Conduct a Website Audit

The first step is to conduct a comprehensive audit of your website. Take a close look at the content, URLs, and structure of your website and go over the changes you have made since the last time traffic was strong. If you have made changes to the content and structure of your website, it’s possible the changes may have resulted in an unexpected decrease in organic visits.

  1. Examine Your Backlinks

Another common cause of lower SEO traffic is backlinks. If the content and structure remain unchanged, the issue may be with backlinks pointing to your site. Do a complete audit of all the backlinks pointing to your site and determine whether any of them could be impacting your search rankings.

  1. Track Changes in Competitor’s Rankings

Monitor your competitors’ search rankings over time to identify any sudden changes in favor of them. If they have made changes that pushed their rankings higher at the expense of yours, you may need to take similar action to recover those lost rankings.

  1. Monitor Your Rankings

Track your own rankings in Google, Yahoo, and Bing over time in order to identify any sudden drops in rankings. If you notice a sudden drop, try to identify why that may have happened and consider making a few alterations in content and structure to bring your rankings up.

  1. Analyze Your Social Presence

Social media visibility is also a significant factor in SEO rankings. Check to see if your competitors are doing better on social media and examine your social media marketing strategy to identify any areas where you may be lagging behind.

  1. Monitor Your Site Speed

Google now considers page speed to be an important ranking factor. Keep track of your website’s loading speed and make sure it’s within the industry standard. If your page speed is slower than your competitors, look for ways to improve it in order to increase your SEO traffic.

Recovering lost SEO traffic can be a daunting and time-consuming task, but it’s necessary to stay competitive. By conducting a website audit, examining your backlinks and your competitors’ rankings, monitoring your rankings, analyzing your social presence, and ensuring your website’s loading speed are all up to par, you can recover your lost traffic and maximize your search rankings.

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