How to use email pop-ups to increase your ecommerce site's conversions

October 23, 2022

  1. Make sure to create a compelling email opt-in pop-up that stands out on your ecommerce site. This should include an eye-catching headline, an offer or incentive for signing up, and a signup form.
  2. Use a trigger event to display the email opt-in pop-up, such as when a customer visits a specific page or spends a certain amount of time on the site.
  3. Solicit feedback from customers who opt-in to the email list and incorporate their feedback into future emails.
  4. Incorporate recurring email campaigns to keep customers engaged and coming back to the ecommerce site, such as emails about new products, sales and discounts.
  5. Include social media links in emails so customers can easily share products with their network.
  6. Use targeted emails to specific customer segments with tailored content that resonates with them.

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