Responsive Web Design Fail How Apples Website Alienates Mobile Visitors

July 18, 2022

Many businesses have embraced the concept of responsive web design to ensure their websites are accessible across all platforms, but Apple’s website stands out as an example of a botched attempt. Responsive web design is a critical tool for providing a consistently seamless user experience across all digital platforms, but Apple fails to deliver this. Its insensitive web design alienates mobile users and severely hinders usability.

When accessing Apple’s website on a mobile device, users can expect a plethora of mental challenges posed by a design that does not properly accommodate the platform. The website blocks off a large portion of the bottom of the webpage so that shoppers are given no access to any of the site’s links. Content that is displayed at a normal-sized window is compressed to fit the smaller screens, reducing readability and navigation capabilities. Furthermore, the links at the top of the page are shifted to the bottom, placing all site navigation out of reach from most.

One of the main tenants of responsive web design is that every element of a site should be optimized for various platforms and resize itself according to the window size. However, Apple has yet to do so, resulting in a painfully slow and limited shopping experience. This becomes especially problematic with their website’s search bar, which is almost impossible to access on a mobile device. Furthermore, many of Apple’s commonly used features, such as the shopping cart and product page, also become increasingly laborious to find and use.

Responsive web design is essential for ensuring any digital presence is accessible no matter what device or platform. In failing to properly implement this crucial system, Apple is actively hindering its mobile traffic. For developers and businesses alike, Apple’s misjudged approach to responsive design serves as a warning sign of how failing to properly adjust for various platforms can be detrimental to any online presence.

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