Stop Trying to Compete Against These Websites in SEO

June 15, 2022

Do you ever feel like you’re competing against giants in the SEO world? Chances are, the websites you’re competing against are either too large and powerful or simply too small and insignificant to compete with. It’s time to face the reality that there are some sites out there you should just let go.

You may not be able to beat these websites in SEO, but by avoiding them you are allowing yourself to focus on sites and campaigns that you can actually compete against and win accolades for. It might be tough to overcome the temptation of trying to compete with these huge players, but understanding the following three types of websites should help you break away from the temptation.

The first type is the search engine giant. These are the big players like Google, Bing and Yahoo. They have been around for years and their algorithms are constantly evolving to be smarter than ever. Trying to compete against these websites is like trying to run a three-legged race against an Olympic athlete. No matter how hard you try, you’re never going to win.

The second type is the national-level brands. These are companies with huge marketing budgets, millions of followers and all the best SEO techniques. You don’t even have to mention Nike, Apple and Walmart here, they’re too big to ever be outdone. Trying to compete against these sites is an exercise in futility, so instead, consider how to enhance the opportunities they are providing.

The final type of website that you should give up on are the ones with small to zero SEO budgets. These sites either aren’t investing any money in SEO or aren’t even aware of SEO and its potential. Trying to outrank these websites isn’t worth your valuable time and resources.

Instead, focus on what you can compete in and work on refining your techniques and skills. Aim for success in the areas you can actually compete in instead of being an enemy to giants that you can never beat. Doing this will help you stay positive and focused on the important goals of your SEO journey.

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