The 10 Best Google Ad Extensions You Should Be Using

April 03, 2022

  1. Review Extensions: Display customer reviews directly in your ads to increase your click-through-rates.
  2. Sitelink Extensions: Attach additional URLs to your ad to direct users to more specific information on your website.
  3. Location Extensions: Advertise your physical location with a map and a link to your business’s Google+ page.
  4. Call Extensions: Make it easier for customers to call your business directly from the Google search results.
  5. Callout Extensions: Highlight special offers, services, and features with additional text in your ad.
  6. App Extensions: Show off your mobile app in your ad and direct users to the app store for download.
  7. Structured Snippet Extensions: Feature specific information about products and services you offer, like types of styles or sizes.
  8. Message Extensions: Allow customers to message you directly from the Google search results.
  9. Image Extensions: Stand out from the crowd by adding an image or logo to your ad.
  10. Price Extensions: Display a product or service’s price directly in the search results.

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