The importance of website accessibility for SEO in Los Angeles

June 06, 2022

One example of the importance of website accessibility for SEO in Los Angeles is that websites that are following best practices in terms of accessibility will achieve higher rankings on Google and other popular search engines. This means that businesses and organizations in Los Angeles that want to optimize their search engine results must include considerations of web accessibility in their SEO strategy. Accessibility best practices can help websites become more “findable” in search results, potentially bringing more customers and visitors to their websites.

The importance of website accessibility for SEO in Los Angeles can be seen in the increased search engine rankings that result from making a website easy to navigate and accessible. For example, a website designed to be ADA compliant (or Web Content Accessibility Guidelines compliant) with larger fonts, well-defined navigation, adequate contrast, and other tweaks to make it more usable for those with visual and cognitive impairments can help it rank higher in local searches. Those with visual or cognitive impairments may be more likely to find and use a website that is easily navigable, such as a website that has focused efforts on accessibility. As a result, it can appear higher in searches for Los Angeles SEO services.

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