Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ever-evolving field, and knowing what does and does not affect search rankings is essential to improving search engine performance. In the following article, we will take a look at several of the factors that have been proven not to affect search rankings. Knowing these in and out can help you to focus your SEO efforts on what does work.
One factor that does not affect search rankings is the number of links pointing to a website or web page. While links can be helpful to a website’s overall ranking, the number of links pointing to a website or web page is simply a metric and does not directly influence search engine rankings. Additionally, the quality of the links is more important than the quantity.
Another factor that has been tested and proven not to affect search engine rankings is meta tags. Meta tags are snippets of HTML code that can be used to provide more information about a website, but they are not used by search engines when indexing pages and ranking them.
The text formatting of a web page, such as using bold and italics, also does not have an impact on its search ranking. While using formatting to draw attention to important pieces of information can be a useful tool for improving the user experience, search engine algorithms ignore it entirely.
When it comes to the amount of time a website has been in existence, search engine algorithms do not take this into account either. A newer website can still be supported by a strong SEO strategy and reach the top of the search engine rankings.
Finally, website navigation structure, whether a website is mobile-friendly, or the use of image Alt text also do not directly affect search engine rankings. Alt text improves accessibility for visually impaired users, but its presence or absence does not have an impact on page ranking.
To sum it up, when it comes to improving your website’s search engine rankings, focus your efforts on factors that have been proven to have an impact such as backlinks, titles and content, and website speed. Remembering the factors that have been proven not to affect search engine rankings can also save you time and effort.