Top 11 Search Marketing Tips We Learned at the State of Search Conference 2022

March 02, 2023

Top 11 Search Marketing Tips We Learned at the State of Search Conference 2012

  1. Leverage SEO for better search engine visibility and visibility across channels.
  2. Identify customer intent and use keywords that reflect how shoppers query in search.
  3. Utilize local SEO to target local customers.
  4. Monitor backlinks and disavow those that are outdated or hurt ranking.
  5. Target multiple platforms for a more expansive reach.
  6. Take advantage of AdWords and other paid search platforms.
  7. Track the marketing channels that are most successful.
  8. Invest time and resources in writing and editing quality content.
  9. Optimize content for better search engine floor ranking.
  10. Stay on top of search engine algorithms to ensure compliance and up-to-date optimization.
  11. Utilize social media to drive site traffic and social brand awareness.

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