What Should You Do If Your Rankings Drop?

March 06, 2023

If you’ve noticed that your search engine rankings have recently dropped, you’re certainly not alone. Changes in ranking happen for a variety of reasons, not least of which are the algorithms used by search engines. If your website is experiencing a drop in rankings, the first thing you should do is to identify the source of the drop.

In many cases, the cause of the drop will most likely be due to a change in the algorithms. When this is the case, there is nothing you can do but wait and watch. In other cases, the drop may be more specific in nature, such as a manually-induced penalty for an algorithmic violation. In this case, you should take a proactive approach to rectifying the issue so that your rankings may return.

Another thing you should do if your rankings have dropped is to review your backlinks. Outdated, spammy, and irrelevant backlinks are the hallmark of a poorly-maintained site, and can lead to an instant drop in rankings. If you find that your site has a large number of these backlinks, you should contact the owners of the linking sites and ask them to remove them. If this isn’t possible, you may need to manually disavow those links using Google’s disavowal tool.

Finally, take some time to review the content on your website. Have you updated it recently? Is it still relevant? Make sure your content is up-to-date, interesting, and well-written. This will help you keep your current rankings and even increase them.

Having your rankings drop can be a worrying experience, but it doesn’t have to make or break your website. By taking a proactive approach, you can ensure that your website can recover quickly and that the issue won’t happen again.

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