What UX Data Should Every Company Collect

January 30, 2023

As user experience (UX) continues to be an increasingly essential factor for any business, it is essential for companies to determine exactly what data to collect regarding their users in order to best optimize the user experience. Properly collecting and analyzing the right user data can help a company gain an invaluable insight into the customers experience, enabling them to make improvements to their products and services. While there is no single “right” answer when it comes to the data that should be collected, here are some of the main metrics companies should be tracking to ensure they’re getting the most out of their user experience data:

Task Completion: Tracking task completion is a great way to gain insight into how efficient users are across various tasks on a website or app. This data can help companies identify areas where users are spending too much time or getting easily confused, so they can make improvements in these areas for a more streamlined user experience.

Usability: Companies can measure the usability of their products or services by collecting data such as the number of errors users make while completing a task, the amount of time users are spending per page, or the number of successful transactions. By collecting this data, companies can see how user friendly their products or services are, and how the user flow affects the overall user experience.

User Satisfaction: This is an important metric that companies should be tracking to see how happy customers are with their experience. Companies can gain insight into this data by collecting user feedback in surveys or forums, as well as collecting data from user engagement across their various platforms.

Return/Repeat Customers: Companies should track the number of return/repeat customers they have, as this is a great indication of how successful the user experience is. This data can help a company understand what is driving customers to come back and can help them pinpoint areas where they can further improve the user experience to attract new customers.

By collecting the right UX data, a company can gain an invaluable insight into the experience of their customers and make positive changes to ensure that the user experience is optimized for maximum satisfaction. With this data, companies are better equipped to build a successful and sustainable product or service.

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